Thursday, November 29, 2007

Another Small Step to Being Greener

This is just something worth looking into especially if we're trying to make small steps to being more green and minimizing/getting rid of those annoying "junk mail." A few factoids they mention on their website that you should know:

  • Your name is typically worth 3- 20 cents each time it is sold for a direct mailing
  • 100 million trees are cut down each year to create the approximately 4.5 million tons of junk mail in the United States
  • 28 billion gallons of water go into the production of American junk mail annually
That should be enough to make you want to do something about it. Click on the logo below to find out more about

For just $15, it's probably the best holiday gift you can give yourself. Also, they have a link on their site that allows you to gift this to others as well! Isn't that pretty cool for a gift idea?!

PS. Please forward this blog entry to friends and family and as many people as you want if you think it's worth it. (See that little envelope at the end of this post? Just click on that.)

PPS. If you have not signed up for recycle pick up in the neighborhood and want to do so, just call or email Michael Manlowe for details.

1 comment:

Sanjiv said...

GreenDimes here,

Wow, pretty fantastic write-up. Thanks for spreading the word.