Sunday, August 26, 2007

Garage Sale Success

Congratulations to the neighbors who participated and sold their stuff in Roser Park's first annual garage sale that turned out to be a success. Thank you to all the buyers who came in from all over (as early as 7AM!) and hopefully got their money's worth! Here's looking forward to the next garage may not have to be an annual thing...we'll see. :)

1 comment:

Deb C said...

It WAS a success... I sold most of my crap (oops... merchandise). Marge Senior reminds us that the old 'annual' garage sale done near the gazebo and in the medical parking lot worked really well too, in the past. It got the traffic going by! So we should consider that next time.

And I have to say a THANKS VERY MUCH for the team of neighbors who valiantly, if unsuccessfully, tried to move my newly purchased (from across the street!) entertainment center up to my second story. I felt so bad! It weighed a ton and refused to make the turn at the landing upstairs. I hope they aren't in pain today.